Thursday, May 17, 2012

In the Beginning there was the word. The word 'Shed'.

In the beginning there was a shed.  It had a dirt floor and no insulation.  There was a rather flimsy garage door that had to be raised by hand.  It had much random stuff in it.  Stuff like a backseat for a Jeep, some old lawn furniture, a cheap reproduction of a Chinese foo dog.  (I know it's not called a foo dog, but I like the name, so there.)  There were many, many pots of plastic and more than a few of clay.  There were some rusty garden tools and some cheap power tools.  Perhaps some spiders.  And it was all mine!

It should probably be noted that the scary, pale things in the lower right corner are actually chives that haven't seen the light of day.  So, ghost chives. The marketing possibilities occupied my mind for a good 30 seconds.  

The foo dog may stay.  I like him.  Everything else must go.  This shed is to become my workshop.  My sanctuary.  Where I retreat from modern life into the realm of wood and hand tools.  (I wonder if the wifi reaches out here?)  First I am putting down a concrete floor.  Then I'll run some wires of manly voltage out to power some lights, some music, possibly a power tool or two.  (Okay, I'll hire someone to run the 220 to the box, I don't know a darn thing about the housing code.)  Next comes the workbench, of a Roubo vintage.  But first I have to get rid of all this junk.  [Sigh]

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